Home Remedies

Gentle Teething Home Remedies for Babies & Toddlers

Being a parent is a roller coaster ride filled with abundant  joys and even more challenges when you have a growing little one. One of those challenges is teething. Those tiny teeth pushing through tender gums can lead to sleepless nights and endless cries. It’s a phase that every parent wishes to ease for their child. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of teething, exploring the common signs and symptoms. More importantly, we’ll discover a range of safe and natural home remedies that can provide comfort during this trying period. These gentle solutions are not only soothing for our little ones but also bring relief to us, the caring parents. So, let’s embark on this journey together, nurturing our teething babies and toddlers with the wonders that nature provides.

home remedies for teething babies
Symptoms of Teething in Babies

Symptoms of Teething in Babies

Every baby’s Teething journey is different and so are the symptoms but the most common symptom is that the baby will be uneasy, drool a lot and want to chew everything that is around. The gums become irritable and hence the chewing helps them ease the itching. Many kids show other signs of teething like loose motions, cold or mild fever. My daughter always suffered from cold whenever she was teething. So I had to not only deal with the teething symptoms but also treat her cold. 

teething babies
Toys for Teething Babies

Toys for Teething Babies

One of the go-to remedies in our household has been chilled teething toys or objects. The cold temperature helps numb sore gums, providing much-needed teething relief. Ensure that the teething toys for teething babies you choose are specifically designed for this purpose and are free from harmful chemicals. Having silicon material or water filled teethers is better than using plastic ones. Best would be to give natural finger foods that are frozen in the refrigerator like carrot slices. Avoid over freezing them as they can become too hard for your baby’s delicate baby teeth.

Gentle Gum Massage

Another natural approach we’ve found effective is gentle gum massage. Using a clean finger, you can gently rub your teething baby’s gums. This helps to alleviate some of the pressure and discomfort associated with teething. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before attempting this. There are massagers and finger massager available in the market which can be used. They come as teeth cleaners and massagers for infants and can be used during teething phase in babies.

toys for teething babies
Cold Washcloth or Teething Ring

Cold Washcloth or Teething Ring

A simple and cost-effective remedy is a cold washcloth or teething ring for teething babies. Wet a clean washcloth, place it in the freezer for a few minutes, and then let your baby chew on it. The coolness can provide teething relief, and the texture can be soothing for their gums. Similarly, teething rings for teething babies can be chilled and given to your baby for biting and gum stimulation.

baby teeth
Natural Teething Gels and Oils

Natural Teething Gels and Oils

Some parents opt for natural teething gels or oils made from ingredients like chamomile or clove oil. These can be applied to the gums as directed on the product packaging. However, it’s crucial to use these sparingly and consult with your pediatrician before trying any new product.

Dentonic or chamomile

This homeopathic remedy was our saviour during teething periods. It has extracts of Chamomilla that helps in soothing the swollen gums. Three pills twice a day can be given to babies. Homeopathic ingredients are normally very safe however please ask your homeopathy practitioner before administering and teething medicine to babies. 

teething relief
Teething necklace

Teething necklace

Some people believe that having a teething necklace tied in the neck helps ease the teething pain for babies. This mostly works as word of mouth and having something to do with acupressure. However please research well before trying anything. 

Distraction and Comfort

Ultimately, the best remedy can often be simple distraction and comfort. Spending quality time with your teething baby, offering cuddles, and engaging in soothing activities can go a long way in alleviating their discomfort. Sometimes, a loving touch and comforting words are all they need.

In conclusion, teething is a challenging phase in a baby’s development, but with the right home remedies for teething babies and a lot of love and patience, you can help ease their discomfort and make this journey a bit smoother for both of you. Remember, every baby is unique, so feel free to try different home remedies and techniques to discover what works best for your little one.

Hamida K

Hello! I am Hami Keshwani, Owner and Editor in Chief of this Blog! I have been blogging since 2011 and babyhube is my first baby. Know more about me in the about us page!

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